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[Handle-info] OpenHandle: Update in Google Code
A new version of the OpenHandle service is available. The OpenHandle service
exposes Handle [1] records in various common serializations: RDF/XML, RDF/N3
and JSON. The service is very much a work in progress and is located on one
of our dev servers [2]. The project is open source and the code and project
wiki is available in Google Code [3].
This update fixes some of the terminology and structures and aligns better
with RFC 3651 [4]. Specifically:
1. Handle namespace URI is dereferencable (returns RDF schema):
(Note: expected that this could possibly later be registered under a
more authoritative handle namespace)
2. Follows RFC better
3. Handle value fields are now respected: e.g. there is a separate field
"permission" and the field "reference" is shown explicitly
4. The native HS types (per the RFC) are represented as RDF classes
(note these still require some attention - it would be useful to get
examples of "complex" handle values to experiment)
5. Querystring parameters are noe:
a) id - handle
b) index - select handle value index
c) type - select handle value type
d) format - select format ("rdf", "n3", "json")
e) mimetype - override mimetype
Additionally the service now offers multiple representations:
2. RDF/N3
These are accessible using the key/val pairs: "format=rdf", "format=n3",
"format=json". They are served up with the correct mimetypes:
1. application/rdf+xml
2. text/rdf+n3
3. application/json
This may not result in the best presentation in the browser, in which case
an override "mimetype" parameter is provided so that the formats can be
returned with a user-specified mimetype, e.g. "mimetype=application/xml" for
RDF/XML, or "mimetype=text/plain" for RDF/N3 and JSON.
Note, as yet the queries do not support HTTP content negotiation but this is
being looked into.
The webapp code is available as an open source project on Google Code [3]
under the GPL licence. The site makes the following resources available:
1. OpenHandle webapp code in subversion
2. Handle RDF schema, war file and source jar downloads
3. Wiki for project development
We'd be very interested in receiving feedback on this project - either on
the list or on the project wiki. Also, as mentioned above, examples of
actual "complex" handle values would be very useful as an aid in testing.
[1] http://www.handle.net/
[2] http://nascent.nature.com/openhandle/handle?
[3] http://code.google.com/p/openhandle/
[4] http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3151.txt
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